Learn to crochet a beanie with crochet aficionados Kristin Phillips and Lianne Gould.
Bring along DK or 8 ply yarn, with the appropriate crochet hook, and with Kristen’s and Lianne’s expert guidance you’ll be on your way to creating your very own beanie or if turned the other way – a textile bowl.
You will also learn how to write a basic beanie pattern and then shown how to tailor it to your preferred crochet style. This will inform the style of your beanie.
By the end of the session you will have your partially completed beanie (or bowl if you prefer), along with your own customised pattern and a very clear idea of how to complete it at home.
Lianne has been teaching traditional craft for an embarrassing number of years and is rewarded by seeing people understanding what they’re doing and enjoying the process.
Kristin has been a textile conservator for over 30 years teaching many students about conservation. She is also a textile artist with crochet, amongst others, being a mainstay.
Other things you need to know
This workshop is presented in association with Hooked, Fabrik’s Fringe Festival exhibition of crochet old and new. Hooked is representative of the collections of crochet addicts, Kristin Phillips and Lianne Gould, who collect, study and make crochet. Exhibition duration: 14 February – 30 March 2025.